Friday, October 22, 2010

Life in the Desert [and, a chance at a Camaro]

What is most central to life in the desert?

Air Conditioning. Am I wrong? Am I right? And if, by chance, your air conditioning unit declines in health during the summer months - what do you do? (Remember, this is an emergency status line item considering the scorching 113 degree temperatures). I imagine that you call a contractor to make the appropriate repairs - 24 hrs/day they are available to assist. Now you can return the favor(s) by supporting the Arizona Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America as they support United Cerebral Palsy, an organization "committed to creating possibilities and nurturing opportunities for those with disabilities."

Here's How:
October 29th, please join us at ASU Karsten Golf Course for a day of golf, food and revelry! Not a golfer, that's fine because you still have a chance to win a 2011 Chevy Camaro! Registration is filling up quickly so please visit ACCA-AZ  for more info. We hope to see you there!

The Goods:

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