Friday, November 19, 2010

FQD 11.19.2010 [Armed]

How do you get rid of the jiggle under the arms? KR, WA D.C.

Let us start by properly identifying this area as Triceps - the muscle that is positioned along the back of the upper arm. The opposite muscle, then, is the bicep(s). Just as with other parts of the body, there are several issues at play with regard to underarm firmness, or lack thereof.   "Looseness" of these muscles may be a result of the following elements, or a combination: diet, age, weight loss, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalance (especially in women). So how might one address this issue head on? [OK, pun intended - tricep literally means a muscle that "arises from three heads."] We must tone the muscle under our skin - this applies to every part of the body. Inherent in the aging process is the decreased production of collagen and elastin (think firm, young , tight skin). This is unavoidable. But,  if one were to build more muscle in areas of concern they would appear more firm and the skin "tighter" around said muscle. 

Add tricep specific exercises to your workout regimen but do not neglect the biceps! Remember, always: "equal and opposite" [Third Law of Sir Isaac Newton's "Axioms of Motion"]. Exercises to consider: Tricep Extensions, Body Dips, Kickbacks, Push-Downs, Push-ups. Watch "Variety Pack Push-ups" for more ideas. And that’s how it’s done!™ Learn more about the ADUB365 Fit System and be sure to watch our Fitness Videos.

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